The relish:
Step 1
Fry finely chopped onions and grated ginger in a splash of oil.
Step 2
Deseed the chillies before chopping them up into small pieces. Add this to the frying pan.
Step 3
Finely chop the garlic, then crush it with a knife to create a garlic paste. Add this to the frying pan.
Step 4
Finally, add the sugar, red wine vinegar, bay leaves, mustard seed and the sprigs of thyme to the pan. Season with cumin, coriander and salt.
Step 5
Leave everything to simmer gently until it’s turned into a compote. Done!
The coleslaw:
Step 1
Grate the white cabbage and the carrots, then toss together in a large bowl.
Step 2
Stir the parsley into the sour cream and season with salt and pepper. Mix the sour cream into the white cabbage and carrots. Voilà!